28.11.2014 11:55

Lesestoff: Ron Deibert

Wir leben nicht nur in einer technisch interessanten Zeit, sondern auch die gesellschaftliche Diskussion rund um Geheimdienste, Privatsphäre, Verschlüsselung, 0-Days bis hin zu "Cyberwar" ist für die Zukunft des Internets sehr relevant.

Dazu wird viel geschrieben und publiziert, ich will hier auf einen aktuellen Artikel von Ron Deibert hinweisen, weil er auch die Rolle der CERTs in diesem Kontext anspricht:

There are international implications of the cyber security syndrome. Top-down, secretive approaches breed vicious cycles of mutual suspicion and hostility that stifle numerous forms of lower level cooperation. Consider the deleterious impact on the information sharing practices of national-level computer emergency response teams (CERTs). In an ideal world, CERTS are entirely apolitical and operate as early-warning systems that share network threat information with each other seamlessly. But as Asia Pacific CERT coordinator Yuri Ito explained at the 2013 Bali IGF, the growing influences of national security agencies and the rivalries and suspicion they engender have eaten into the system of international trust and cooperation. If CERTs are seen as "instruments of state competition," says Ito, "it can become very hard to share information." Jeopardizing the integrity of CERTs in this way -- the frontline sensors for computer security threats worldwide -- is a clear indication that we are down the wrong path.

Ich kann nur empfehlen, den ganzen Text zu lesen.

Author: Otmar Lendl